Radial Shockwave Therapy
(Intellect RPW)
The RPW is used to treat various ailments here at Brooklin Rehabilitation & Sports Injury Centre. We have seen phenomenal results with tennis elbow, golfers elbow, plantar fasciitis, myofascial trigger points, and calcific rotator cuff tendonitis.
Therapeutic shockwaves were introduced to the world of medicine over twenty years ago as a means of bombarding kidney stones (lithotripsy). While using this treatment, some positive side effects discovered were increased bone healing and accentuated tissue healing at the sites exposed to the shockwave treatments. After decades of research, the use of radial shockwaves -- or radial pressure waves (RPW)-- has been successfully extended to other therapeutic and wellness applications.
The Intellect RPW has built a reputation for successfully treating those hard to treat conditions resistant to the more conventional therapies. The physical effects of RPW include pain relief, increased cellular metabolism, and, most importantly, "neovascularization," leading to a permanent increase in blood supply at the site of pathology, hence improved healing and tissue regeneration. RPW offers an excellent non-invasive treatment solution for chronic and acute insertional and soft tissue pathologies with minimal to no adverse side effects. RPW treatment is supported by many orthopaedic surgeons and sports physicians worldwide, thanks to well-researched clinical trials.
A course of RPW treatment typically consists of three to five treatments administered once per week. The pathology site is identified and assessed, and approximately two thousand acoustic pressure waves are administered using a handheld applicator in combination with a conductive gel. A session usually lasts between five and seven minutes and does involve a degree of patient discomfort; however, we can adjust this with changes to the treating parameters. The cost of RPW treatments is usually fully or partially covered by extended health insurance plans as well as motor vehicle accident insurance.
Please call the clinic and talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff to see if RPW is right for you, or click here for more information.