Radial Shockwave Therapy
Since the early 1900’s investigators in Europe have studied the use of shockwaves for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Initially, treatments were administered using modified kidney stone lithotripters. Today, machines such as the RPW use advanced technology but, the concept remains the same. Used by professional sports teams and high-level athletes around the world, shockwave therapy treats the involved area using pneumatically generated acoustic waves traveling faster than the speed of sound. This bombarding of the affected tissue produces a number of biological responses resulting in scientifically demonstrated neovascularization (new blood vessel growth) which in turn dramatically accelerates the healing process.
Could you describe the treatment process?
A course of Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) typically consists of three to five visits. The painful site is identified and approximately two thousand shockwaves are administered using a handheld applicator in combination with a conductive gel. The process involves some discomfort but can be adjusted for patient tolerance. Remember, these are sound “shocks”, not electrical shocks. The treatment lasts between five and seven minutes.
What conditions can Shockwave be used to treat?
Iliotibial band syndrome
Non-healing ulcers
Stress Fractures
Plantar Fasciitis
Bony non-unions
Scar Tissue
Myofascial trigger points
Tennis Elbow
Achilles tendinopathy
Jumpers Knee
Adhesive capsulitis
Calcific Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
Mortons neuroma
How fast does RSWT work?
The response to treatment varies from one individual to another. Many patients experience significant relief after one to three treatments, while others may require six to ten treatments. The healing with RSWT is a cumulative process; therefore, patients continue to have results weeks after ending their treatment. RSWT produces cellular breakdown and hence a subsequent rebuilding or healing process, for this reason, maximum relief is usually felt at the twelfth week after the last treatment.
Are there any side effects of RSWT?
Minor pain and discomfort during and immediately after the treatment are the most commonly reported adverse side effects. Also commonly noted is a reddening of the skin in the area treated. These typical side effects are relatively short-lived lasting no longer than four to twenty-four hours.
Are there contraindications or precautions with RSWT?
Yes, RSWT is not for everyone. You should consult with your physiotherapist prior to initiating treatment. Contraindications include the following:
Coagulation disorders and the use of anticoagulants such as Marcuma, heparin, and coumadin
Polyneuropathy in case of diabetes mellitus
No NSAIDS one week prior to treatment
No cortisone six weeks prior to treatment
No ice post-treatment
No anti-inflammatory post-treatment
Has Radial Shockwave Therapy been clinically proven?
Shockwave Therapy has been subjected to more valid scientific study than any other modality in physical medicine. The results far exceed other types of modalities and have been published in numerous well respected medical journals. Here are a few examples:
91% success rate calcific tendonitis of the shoulder
Journal of American Medical Association 2003
90% success rate plantar fasciitis
The Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2005
77% success rate tennis elbow
The Journal of Orthopaedics 2005